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The first Czech-Belgian Design Forum took place in Brussels

The CzechTrade Belgium office organized a networking forum in Brussels focused on design. The forum, which was the first of its kind, was interesting not only for the Czech companies that came and exhibited their products, but also for the Belgian representatives. The forum was also attended by representatives of academia and associations.

Last week, the first event of this type, called "CZECH-BELGIAN DESIGN NETWORKING FORUM", took place in Brussels. The event, which brought together designers, entrepreneurs and academics from both countries, including representatives of European creative industry institutions and SMEs, has become an excellent forum for sharing knowledge promoting innovation and internationalisation in industrial design. This unique forum attracted more than 80 experts who had the opportunity to share different perspectives and skills, strengthening the cooperation between the Czech Republic and Belgium in this crucial field, especially in increasing the industry's competitiveness.

The event was divided into two essential parts - panel discussion and B2B networking. The forum offered inspiring presentations and lectures from leading design professionals who shared their experiences and ideas. It was fascinating to see how different approaches and ideas can contribute to design development in both countries. The following discussions allowed participants to engage, ask questions and discuss key topics actively. 

Emphasis was placed on supporting traditional Czech manufacturers and simultaneously developing the potential of Czech designers. The event also helped to reveal the possibilities, needs and capabilities of Belgian design, which is crucial for future cooperation. During the B2B part of the programme, Czech companies had the opportunity to present their products not only to individual experts, but especially to potential partners who were participants of the forum.

The event was led by an outstanding design expert, Pavlina Louženská, who propelled the whole event with her enthusiasm and knowledge. Her role as moderator contributed to making the event not only informative but also inspiring. It is already clear that this type of event opens the way for traditional manufacturers and emerging design professionals to succeed in foreign markets.

We would like to thank the Czech entities that participated: S.V.I.S Trade, ELTON hodinářská, Kovap Náchod, JUSTLOVE, Tkalcovna Kubák, Mikela da Luka, Linda Havrlíková: We would also like to thank UMPRUM, the Czech Centre in Brussels and especially the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU for their support.

Prepared by foreign office CzechTrade Belgium

Source: Foreign office CzechTrade Belgium