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Widespread adoption of AI can increase the annual GDP of Czechia

Streamlining the work of millions of workers in Czechia and boosting the growth of the domestic economy by five percent per year.

An increase in the annual gross domestic product (GDP) of Czechia by five percent per year would correspond to about 14-16 billion euros, which means something between 353 and 388 billion CZK.

Based on its latest forecast, the Czech National Bank estimates that GDP will grow at a year-on-year rate of 1.2 percent this year, and next year the dynamics should accelerate even further, to 2.8 percent. At the same time, one of the growth accelerators could be technologies based on artificial intelligence, which all companies in the world, including Czechia, are gradually introducing into their processes.

"If  Czechia can use the benefits of generative AI in line with the leading countries in Europe, it is estimated that the economic potential will increase from the currently estimated five percent (14-16 billion euros) to eight percent (20-23 billion euros) in ten years. " says Martin Thelle, partner of Implement Consulting Group.
