

HF SERVIS produces disinfectants, antiviral and antibacterial protections.

COMPANY PROFILE: Established in 1992. HF SERVIS produces disinfectants, antiviral and antibacterial protections. The company is one of the largest manufacturers of nanopolymers for the use in ship, automotive and construction industries and a market leader with one of the widest offers of adhesives, sealants, lubricants, oils, cleaners and water degreasers. HF SERVIS  uses its own registered brands, such as IMPACT ADHESIVE, IMPASOL, IMPACLEANER AQUA or SILAX.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Nano antibacterial and antiviral protection of all solid surfaces ensuring a very high level of hygiene. The hydrophobic ultra-thin invisible layer prevents the life of bacteria and viruses, including coated CORONA VIRUSES, FOR 120 DAYS. It protects the treated surface from water, pollution and formation of calcium and mineral deposits. The long-term hydrophobic effect significantly facilitates subsequent cleaning without the use of hazardous chemicals. Optimal for use  in shops, public transport, offices, hotels, restaurants and all industries, including food and healthcare as a protection for handles, railings, sanitary facilities and work surfaces.

