Czech Leasing and Financial Association funds 27% of e-vehicles, Czech Republic lags in electromobility

Published: 19.06.2023 Related countries:  U.S.A. U.S.A.

As of March 31, 2023, Czech Leasing and Financial Association member companies recorded 2,609 electric vehicles in their portfolios. They financed 27.4% (371) out of the total of 1,352 newe-vehicles sold in the Czech Republic in the first quarter of 2023.

Czech Republic ranks 21st out of 22 monitored European countries in preparations for electromobility. Association chairwoman Jana Hanušová said that the Czech Ministry of Industry Trade was preparing a clean mobility plan that should be approved by the end of 2023. The government is also working on an amendment to the act on emission allowances trading. The legislation process also includes a proposal to extend extraordinary depreciation for noemission vehicles for the next five years.

Source: CIA News

Prepared by the CzechTrade office in San Francisco.
