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VZLU cooperates on creating the Responsible European Architecture for Space

VZLU cooperates on creating the Responsible European Architecture for Space

VZLU’s team attended the meeting to kick off the REACTS project (Responsive European Architecture for Space).

REACTS aims to provide European Member States with a new disruptive and collaborative defense capability: a resilient and scalable Network of Responsive Space Systems (RSS), fully interoperable, able to launch satellites and commence data delivery within a timeframe of 72 hours. The project will define a holistic architecture based on the End-user needs, develop a concept of operations (CONOPS), create the roadmap for each technical and governing segment of RSS Network of Systems, provide an analysis and description for RSS Interface standards, design a software-based configuration and simulate the achievable responsiveness.

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is coordinating the project, which has 38 participants from 13 different European nations. VZLU is the only member from the Czech Republic.

VZLU contributes to the REACTS project by analyzing the space segment, esp. the nanosatellites and microsatellites.

The project is scheduled to span 21 months, commencing in 2024. The project is funded by the European Union through the European Defense Fund (EDF), which is the Commission’s key initiative to support collaborative research and development of defense capabilities with the EU budget.

Source: VZLU (