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Sev.en Global Investments, owned by Pavel Tykač, is buying steelworks in the UK

Sev.en Global Investments (GI), which belongs to the Czech energy group Sev.en of entrepreneur Pavel Tykač, buys two steelworks in the UK and Scandinavia from the Spanish company Celsa.

In the UK, Sev.en GI will take over Celsa Steel UK. This steelwork operates plants in Cardiff, Wales, with an annual production capacity of 1.2 million tonnes of low-emission construction steel from scrap metal. The factory has an electric arc furnace.

"Both Steelworks are technologically unique in their ability to produce steel in an environmentally friendly manner. We believe that together with local management and other stakeholders, we will be able to develop them further and benefit from their long-term perspective," said Alan Svoboda, CEO of Sev.en Global Investments.

Tykač is mainly active in the energy sector, lignite mining, and real estate and finance. According to the Czech version of Forbes magazine, he is one of the richest Czechs, with a wealth of CZK 174 billion. In particular, he controls the second largest electricity producer in the Czech Republic, Sev.en Energy, which owns the North Bohemian brown coal mines Vršany and ČSA, the power plants Chvaletice and Počerady and the heating plants in Zlín and Kladno.

Prepared by the CzechTrade London team