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Czech energy giant CEZ Group plans to build 6GW of renewable energy resources by 2030

The decarbonization of the energy sector and the economy is in full swing, and CEZ Group has big plans for emission-free energy. In addition to new renewable sources, it is also investing in storage capacities, thinking about new pumped storage hydroelectric power plants or running unique tests on the impact of vertical panels on agricultural land.

Currently, CEZ Group operates 130 MW of installed capacity of solar power plants and 8 MW of wind power in the country. However, CEZ Group also has a total of thousands of new MW of emission-free renewable energy capacity in various stages of development, mainly photovoltaics, but also wind power plants.  But the plan of CEZ Group is to build 6 GW of new Renewable Energy Resources (RES) by 2030 to help decarbonise the energy sector  in the Czech Republic. 

Among CEZ's major projects,  its worth mentioning recently commissioned battery in Vítkovice with an output of 10 MW as well as the storage system in Tušimice in the Chomutov region. In addition to energy storage, both can also provide frequency regulation services to the Czech power grid. CEZ Group plans to install battery systems in the premises of other conventional power plants, they will be used mainly for providing support services.

There is also growing interest in electricity from low-emission sources For example, 2 TWh of green electricity was provided to Czech consumers last year, which was 10 percent more than in 2022. Generally speaking, there is a  growing demand from industry to decarbonise, install renewable energy sources and generally reduce its carbon footprint. It is, in short, something that Czech industrialists, entrepreneurs, the public sector and, economy need. Czech businesses and municipalities which would like to strengthen their energy self-sufficiency and be more resilient to price fluctuations in energy markets deploy EPC solutions  to obtain guaranteed annual savings in electricity, gas, etc. Projects also include photovoltaics on the roofs of buildings.

CEZ Group also co-founded the Alliance for a Carbon-Free Future, whose ambition is to co-create the rules for successful and effective decarbonisation of the domestic economy. Business does not see this as a threat, but rather as a good opportunity to remain competitive in international markets.


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