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The Czech Republic is considering building module factories for small reactors. The project would bring eight thousand jobs

Up to two small modular reactor (SMR) module factories could be established in the Czech Republic. They would employ up to eight thousand people over the next twenty to thirty years, according to the maximum assumption.

The locations for the factories have not been definitely chosen, but there are favoured ones, said on Thursday a member of the CEZ Group's board of directors, Tomáš Pleskač, after a debate at the Institute for Public Discussion in ÚJV Řež. Representatives of the South Bohemian Region, Rolls-Royce SMR and ČEZ have already presented the location of the South Bohemian airport as one of the possible options.

"The number includes a maximum assumption in the sense that it would mean, say, two factories for module production, which will basically assemble the modules with components produced by other suppliers, because far from producing everything there, the modules will be assembled there," Pleskač said. He added that the assumption also includes that the pressure vessel assemblies will be manufactured in the Czech Republic.

In October, ČEZ and Rolls-Royce SMR signed a strategic cooperation on the development of modular reactors. The cooperation is set to last for several decades and envisages that CEZ will be directly involved in the development of new modular reactor technology and in their production on a global scale.

Prepared by CzechTrade Romania