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Czech tender for two nuclear reactor has its winner

Czech government announced on July 17 that the South Korean KHNP won the public tender to build at least two nuclear reactors in the Czech Republic.

The Prime Minister Petr Fiala announced KHNP as the selected company saying that the Korean offer was better then French EdF in almost all criteria, stressing out mainly price and plan and  organization of construction. The cost estimate for each reactor is now set at 200 billion CZK (roughly 8 billion USD). The negotiations include the construction of two units at Dukovany site and the possibility of contracting binding options for more units at Temelín site.

Korea has longterm cooperation with Westinghouse on their nuclear program, however Westinghouse stands by its claim that KHNP is not authorized to use the technology for exporting outside of South Korea without an agreement from Westinghouse. The Czech officials remain positive that this won’t have major impact on the project and the Korean offer inlcudes them covering any potential risks and responsibilites.

This project will ensure energy security and self-sufficiency of the Czech Republic for several decades to come. Apart from strengthening Czech energy security, this project also offers opportunities for the Czech industry.

The contract with the supplier will be signed in the first quarter of next year. The construction permit is planned to be secured by 2029 and the start of test operation by the end of 2036, with commercial operation starting in 2038. Adherence to the construction schedule is subject to contractual penalties.


Source: Government of the Czech Republic, Seznam ZprávyPrepared by the CzechTrade Foreign Office in Toronto