CzechTrade is the government agency under the Ministry of Industry and Trade offering expertise and contacts through its extensive network in the Czech Republic. Our mission is to help and promote Czech companies succeed in the global economy, support its business development and facilitate Czech export. Wherever in the world you are, the CzechTrade agency is there for you with more than 50 foreign offices stationed around the globe.
CzechTrade is your official contact partner when looking for qualified Czech-based manufacture and service providers.
The Seoul office was established in 2019 and since then is connecting Korean and Czech businesses and business oriented associations, chambers of commerce and state institutions. Discover the spectacular engineering tradition and innovation potential of Czech companies with CzechTrade.
We connect Czech & Korean businesses. Our services cover organising sourcing events, trade shows, private showcases and other events. We also provide advice, assistance, consulting, tailored market research, supplier search or matchmaking through in-house databases. Our services are free of charge.
CzechTrade Korea mainly concentrates on aerospace, machinery and factory automation, food & beverages, electrotechnical, ICT, clean technologies, energy, design & consumer goods or life science industries.
The growth in added value was supported most by the trade, transport, accommodation and catering sector, while other services also performed well
Czech economy is on the path to recovery
Honey cake maker Marlenka international has had an extremely successful year
The Defence Minister has announced an increase in defence spending for 2025, with allocations set to reach 2% ot the Czech Republic’s GDP. This expenditure growth aligns with the minimum expenditure t...
GasNet holds an approximately eighty percent share in gas distribution in the Czech Republic
While inflation continues to come down, board is weighing whether to scale back their rate easing
Czech government continues to stress strong participation by local companies
The decision is expected to bring about a wave of positive developments in mutual exchange
South Korea is among the selected countries
Government-level support for the South Korean bid in the nuclear tender continues
Positive outlook continues to gain ground
The Dukovany tender will be the largest investment project in Czechia’s history
large-format engineered stone slabs, tiles
Glass industry, Industrial Design, Nanotechnology
winery, wine, tasting, weddings, restaurant, shop
Videoextensometer ONE, DIC system FreeD, SW ALPHA
knitted vascular prostheses, hernia meshes
Nurse-call systems
Pet accessories
Manufacture of laboratory and specialty chemicals