South Korea is among the selected countries
The Czech
government has moved to open the labor market to foreign workers from nine
countries outside of the European Union. As of July 1, foreign workers from the
selected states will no longer need employment cards or work permits in
According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, there are currently
close to 818,000 foreign workers in Czechia. Employees from the nine selected
countries ‒ Australia, Japan, Canada, South Korea, New Zealand, the UK, the US,
Israel, and Singapore ‒ only comprise about 1.2 percent of the Czech labor
market, approximately 10,000 employees. However, 80% of them are in highly
skilled positions. The country needs to attract more of these foreign experts
to fill vacancies on the labour market.
Kateřina Štefánková, Head of the Employment Section of the Ministry of Labour
and Social Affairs, clarified on what basis they chose the countries included
on the list:
“We have had a long-term influx of people from these countries, with highly
skilled backgrounds. Of course, security issues also played an important role.
We do not have any recorded cases of irregular travel documents or forged
documents from these countries. These people integrate well into our society.”
The move will not only help employers, but also administrators who were
tasked with laborious paperwork when admitting foreign workers. The process of
getting an employee card, which is the document Czechia uses most frequently,
can take up to 3 months.
Klára Boumová from the NGO Charita Česká Republika (Charity Czech Republic)
says the amount of red tape puts many people off:
“Obtaining a work permit in the Czech Republic is a difficult and lengthy
process that takes many months. Administrative offices are overloaded, and
deadlines are often even longer.”
Even without a work permit, there are still conditions to be met, namely
evidence of an employment contract or an agreement on employment and a minimum
of 15 hours of work per week.
Kateřina Štefánková is hopeful that the change will have a positive impact in
the months and years to come:
“It is the first time we’re introducing such a broad change, so we’ll
certainly see the numbers start to increase. We know from our embassy
colleagues in New York, for instance, that it has already generated interest,
that people have already asked about it. There will definitely be a quick
evaluation after about 6 months to a year to see to what extent it has actually
helped us draw the highly qualified workforce in.”
The Ministry of Labour, which came up with the proposal, says the countries
on the list are economically among the strongest in the world. Czechia has long
been interested in attracting high-skilled workers from these destinations.
However, it admits that "reciprocal access" to these countries for
Czech workers cannot be expected.
Source: Czech Radio
Prepared by the team of foreign office CzechTrade and CzechInvest Seoul