SIMANDL, spol. s r.o.

SIMANDL is 28 years old family manufacturer that is specializing mainly in the production, development and packaging of powdered mixes like cappuccino, hot chocolate, cardamom tea, protein shakes, isotonic and vegan drinks.

SIMANDL is producing private labels for big retailer groups, mixes for vending operators or bulk for packaging companies in 38 countries. We are also supplying own brand DARKOFF or licenced brand LYONS. We can produce Kosher, Halal, Organic, Free from or Vegan products.
SIMANDL offers R&D of new powdered drinks. Currently we produce 362 different recipes suited for local markets. For example, Masala Tea, Herbal coffee with dandelion, Vegan hot chocolate and Hibiscus tea.
SIMANDL has wide variety of packaging included industrially compostable or 100 % recyclable packaging.
In 2022 our exports grew by 2.8 mil EUR.
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