The Czech Republic has got a very important organiser of many exhibitions worldwide known mainly for traditional engineering trade fair.It is BVV Trade Fairs Brno company running by local government.
The Czech service sector has shown steady growth, with revenues rising by 2.5% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2023. This marks an acceleration from the 1% increase seen in the first quarter.
50 th anniversary of traditional agricultural exhibition Zeme zivitelka is being held on 22.8. to 27.8. in Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic).In 2023 participated over 600 exhibitors,over 111 000 visit...
Czech succesful startup Sewio was acquired by the U.S. company HID in early August.
The Czech Republic's drive towards sustainable transportation has led to a spike in electric vehicle (EV) demand among businesses.
Czech companies are looking for ways to expand their activities on the Brazilian market, and their participation in trade fairs in São Paulo in the first days of August undoubtedly confirms this trend...
Секторът на услугите в Чешката република продължава стабилно да се разширява.
The minimum wage is likely to rise gradually to 47% of the average wage by 2029, per the government’s amendment to the Labour Code, which was approved by the Senate yesterday.
The Czech Republic is a technological leader. Government approved the National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence of the Czech Republic 2030.
The Czech Republic's service sector continues to expand steadily.
The slight increase in unemployment in July is a result of typical seasonal changes and due to reduced activity by companies in hiring new employees, which is typical for the summer months.
Architect Jiřičná’s biggest construction project set for Prague.