Consumer goods manufacturers are introducing new personal care products with high price tags in a trend known as "upflation." Unlike shrinkflation, upflation involves creating niche products and marke...
The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) plans to estabilish a base in the Czech Republic to support the construction and operation of the 10 billion euro (250 billion CZK) project in Ger...
Czech government invests six billion euros in new nuclear reactors.
Световните продажби на Škoda Auto през второто тримесечие на тази година са се увеличили с 2,5 процента на годишна база до 228 100 автомобила. Това става ясно от публикувано днес прессъобщение на конц...
Компаниите O2 Czech Republic и Nordic Telecom Holding подписаха споразумение за продажбата на 100% дял в Nordic Telecom Regional.
Инфлацията падна до два процента през юни
Egyptair launches regular flights between Cairo and Prague. The new line will be operated three times a week from July 9, 2024.
Czech company Prusa Research will produce its 3D printers and materials in the US through its subsidiary, Printed Solid, aiming to become the largest 3D printer and filament manufacturer in the countr...
Greenbuddies specializes in services related to industrial photovoltaic power plants and e-mobility infrastructure.
US chip maker Onsemi is planning to invest $2 billion in its production facility in Rožnov pod Radhoštem–the biggest single foreign investment in Czechia’s modern history.
The Czech government has moved to open the labor market to foreign workers from nine countries outside of the European Union, including Japan.
The famous czech agrosalon Zeme zivitelka will be held on 22 nd to 28 th of August in České Budějovice.